Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Marko in Lebanon for Eid Al Adha 2009

Just days before the official holiday of Eid Al Adha, the Ministry of Education for the Adana region announced that the schools would close a few days earlier to circumvent the spreading of the H1N1 virus. This sudden change meant that I was at a loose end, awaiting a scheduled bus tour to Lebanon and Syria. What would I do with four extra days? I quickly changed gears, and decided to go ahead of the tour company and arranged to meet them along the way. (Hate organized tours,anyway!) Besides, I wasn't planning on taking the Syrian portion of the trip, since I have already visited Damascus and Aleppo a few times before. So, let me tell you how it call happened, and I'll pepper the blog with a few of my favourite pictures taken along the way.

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